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This may be tagging to the wrong article- intended to be on "Cultural Capital".

"You’re often told to not peak in high school because stereotypically the coolest kids in your high school end up in dead end jobs and failed relationships later. I’d argue that cultural capital is how savvy individuals quietly convert the currency of social status into tangible success."

---> This is a major pet peeve of mine, that you comfort the "nerds/outcasts" with "you'll win in the end and they'll never be as cool as they were in High School." There are certainly cherry pickable examples in any direction, but on the whole, being able to understand/control/lead social groups and situations is perhaps the most valuable skill there is, and one that will continue to benefit across a lifetime of different spheres. Far more so than testing really well at a given subject.

If someone has a ton of social capital in high school literally solely because they can throw a football real good, then sure, that may drop off... but are you sure they don't have other attributes too that contribute? Have they learned leadership and engagement styles that will continue to benefit them as a result of that role for 4 years? etc.

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